Saturday 27 June 2015

A Fresh Start

Since writing my last post two main things have happened. Firstly, I finished my degree in Mechanical Engineering at University of Sheffield and secondly, I found out after numerous visits to the doctors that I had glandular fever; ruling out any racing for the first half of the season.

The support and advice from family and friends has been invaluable in helping me through the last few months; being unable to train in readiness for the season has been perhaps the most difficult aspect of the illness. The good news is that I feel as though I am through the other-side and even more motivated to train hard for my aims. Subject to medical advice it won’t be too long before I am back on the start line and I further hope to go out to Belgium towards the end of the season with the support of the Dave Rayner Fund.

On finding out I had glandular fever it was hard to see a silver lining in this chapter but in reflection, I can say now that the silver lining was being able to finish my degree to the best of my academic abilities. The month off in May gave me time to think and reaffirm what my aspirations are in the sport and how I am going to achieve them; and as a result I am looking forward to the fresh start.